Boleh Cakap Bahasa Inggeris?
I am not.
That is why I, with the help of many teachers from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Chu-kai (we would say Chukai High School, as Chukai is the name of the town where I now live), helped to create and implement the school’s first ever English Camp. The point: create an environment where English only is to be spoken. It would not be the same as, for example, travelling to and English speaking country, but it might help. Often, I have noticed that most students are reasonably good at listening to and reading English, but they really need help in constructing proper spoken and written sentences. In order to avoid being laughed at, many simply try and speak as little as possible in English class. I am not joking, even in my own classes where things are very informal and very laid back, I have had to chase students to the front of the room with a stick in order to make them read their sentences.
At any rate, this English camp aimed to provide a day where those hesitations and social weaknesses would be shattered. Applications were handed out, and only those students who submitted applications that showed genuine interest and enthusiasm were allowed to attend. The result was a gathering of over 100 students who had the skill and will to really take a crack at improving their English proficiency and confidence. The rules were simple: speak only English, and have fun. I thought it would be easy enough to implement, but I was mistaken. Not only was it difficult to get the children to speak English, but even some of the teachers had a rough time following the rules! The punishment for getting caught was to wear a sign around the neck that said “I am sorry for breaking the rules!” Although this was not my idea, I thought it would suffice, as the children seem to fear humiliation more than almost anything else.
By the end of the day, some students were wearing five or more signs, and we in fact ran out. SInce teachers and students alike were all wearing signs, I think the punishment just lost it effectiveness. I’ll have to think of something else to keep them in line next time.
In the end, I would say that the camp was an overall success, and those basic goals were more or less achieved, but I did not have any moments that took my breathe away. I think the students enjoyed the whole thing, and spent the day wrapping their minds around contests, activities, and puzzles. They tackled these obstacles in groups of ten that were mixed in gender, skill, and age, something that I think rarely happens during the course of normal school activities and not only helped the students overcome their own hesitation, but also gave them an opportunity to get out of their shells and do something different. There are some that may disagree, but if you ask me I think the amount of gender separation within the schools is sometimes taken to an unhealthy extreme. Because the children grow up with very very little contact with the opposite sex, when they are finally placed in an environment where
such separation is not present, some have problems coping in a reasonable way. Several of the women from this program, none of whom adhere to the Malay rules of dress, have met with significant harassment from both their male counter-parts and from locals outside the school. In the more rural areas, some refuse to go out at night by themselves because they feel unsafe. After just seven months of living here, I find myself sometimes uncomfortable around attractive women who are not wearing the traditional female outfit, not because I don’t like them but simply because my mind seems to have forgotten how to deal with it. This is surprising to me, and I’m sure to you too, as I was raised in a place where men and women are treated, for the most part, as equals and are able to dress as they please. If after seven months, I can feel a change in my own reactions, I wonder what it feels like to be separated for fifteen or more years, and then thrown into a place without the same rules.
That, however, is an issue that I will not be able to discuss thoroughly for quite some time, as well as a few others that have been building in my mind since my arrival. I will, for now, only concentrate on the challenges of my daily life here, as well as the tremendous bene-fits. And speaking of benefits, I had the privilege of going to the Rainforest Music Festival in Malaysian Borneo last week. The experience was absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to tell you more about it in the next post!
Hi, Len. "sekolah" sounds like chocolate. Sort of. H'm?
You are clearly a ferocious teacher. Thanks for the stories and pictures.
I am (very seriously) considering Malaysia as my Fulbright country and I had some questions for you before I make my final decision. I can't find an email address for you though so I'm leaving a comment in hopes that you will contact me.
Please email me at jlfreeman at gmail dot com.
Jessica Freeman
Hey Len, i'm the student at SMKC (form 4) and very suprised that u hv a blog dedicatedly for malaysia this is quite interesting in order to promote my country....keep up the good work
come see me at ( still under construction)
Hi Len! I just read your last three posts and was shocked to find that you are planning to stay on for another year. Shocked, in a good way, that is. Does this mean you will continue to teach English but as a regular "job" instead of as a Fulbright grantee? How amazing that your fellow teachers are going on a field trip to Connecticut and will meet your parents! I am sure the UUs will be most welcoming! (I speak as a former UU myself...) Drop me a line at when you have time!
great pics man. glad to hear your such a great time.
when are you going to be back in the states?
hello...mestah len,why you not tell about english camp at setiu agro resort????
hi len
hi...its been a very long time since the english camp...i am athirah from smk tengku rebecca's friends keep talking about experience we had at english camp..remember us?the talkative girls..haha..accidentally meet this site..
1Hai Mr Len...long time no see you..hope you always in good know,we all miss you soooooo muchhhhhh!!!!!we hope you can come here know where??at smk chukai..and we can call you "cikgu len" again...FROM-SMK CHUKAI STUDENT FORM3(2008)
hi len..!
moon is here. its such a wonderfull things that u can describe about malaysia and our culture very well and i have to confess that ur article about Malaysia is better than me. well, im not wasting not a single minute to read ur blog.well, im studying in Cosmopoint College, kuala terengganu, and i am one of Mr. Zaharan's student. i got a few friends from all over the world which is have a different experience bout Malaysia. well, most of them are not happy, especially the foreigner students coz they cant work to support their tuition fees. its probihited for a foreign students. sorry, im not really good in English.hahahha...! so, plz email me at hope to hear from u soon.
hai len, we just want to say, you are still in our mind.... hope you can come back to smkc to met smkc's students and teachers...
oh my lord! mr.Len, all of us miss you a lot!!! ;___; please do come visit us at SMKC~ we miss you~
Hello sir, remember someone that you had gave a quarter dollar to him? it is me, Ansar. Well, if I have any chances to chat, I will inform you. (sorry if my grammar still low)
i am impressed with all of your entries. :)
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